We Love Like Barnacles: Crip Lives in Climate Chaos, this October

[Image Description: Across the top, black text reads “We Love like Barnacles. Crip Lives in Climate Chaos.” In the center of the image, a fat dark-skinned brown woman wearing a respirator mask stands next to a brown-skinned woman in a wheelchair with a child on her lap, both holding up a staff with a glowing white orb as storms and fires rage around them. Beneath them a green octopus curls one of its tentacles around the wheelchair’s left wheel, its other tentacles curled gracefully in the water. The orb’s light pushes away the storm’s floodwater and the fire’s flames. In the background, the horizon is red and orange as a city burns. Clusters of barnacles are in all four corners of the image. White and yellow text across the bottom reads “Sins Invalid 2020 Performance. Friday 10/23 and Saturday 10/24. Virtual Doors 7PM PST, Performance 7:30 PM PST. Sunday 10/25 Performances at 3 PM and 6 PM PST. ]

Holding space for love, mourning, and community healing in pandemic times, Sins Invalid brings forth a performance that centers our communities in the throes of climate chaos and an agonized planet. From the storms battering our shores to the raging fires threatening our homes, the social, political, and economic disparities among disabled queer and trans people of color put our communities at the frontlines of ecological disaster.

With the pandemic laying bare the inequalities and injustices that continue to exist in our current oppressive systems, now more than ever is the time to listen to crip wisdom in the age of climate chaos. Join us as we speak our truths on stage. Sins Invalid invites you to We Love Like Barnacles: Crip Lives in Climate Chaos.

Fri. October 23 2020 &

Sat. October 24 2020

Virtual Doors 7pm PST, Performance at 7:30pm PST

Sun. October 25 2020

Performances at 3pm and 6pm PST

Ticketing info available soon!

Lobby experience includes a pre-performance lounge and an online auction.

All performance screenings followed by a live Q & A.

All performances will be ASL interpreted and Audio Described.

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