Sins – The Film

Thank you for your support, your inquiries, and your excitement over the film!  We want to share some important updates for you about the film and the premiere:Thank you for your support, your inquiries, and your excitement over the film!  We want to share some important updates for you about the film and the premiere:In late August of last year, Sins Invalid's Advisory Board met – and in acknowledging that we only "launch" a film once, and that a premiere event is a key feature of a launch but not an entire "launchpad", we decided that it made the best sense for Sins Invalid to fully capitalize on the launch and have every element of the film launch in place when we premiere the film -- including a website, a companion DVD, agreements with film festivals and universities in place, etc. So, the Advisory Board recommended that the premiere happen in Spring 2013, in the context of an already engaged distribution plan, and not as a stand-alone event.We were checking in with the performers scheduled for the October premiere, updating our foundation partners as to the change in timeline, in dialogue with the venue, and drafting an update to send y’all in the newsletter…and then, as you likely read in Leroy’s Welcome Back note, Patty was hit by a car.  It was a serious accident, and she sustained a broken femur, tibia and fibula in her right leg.  It took a long 17 weeks of healing for her to get back to being in her chair daily.  We are so so grateful it was not worse.The accident forced a hold on the film work for the Fall.  We are grateful that the first week of Jan saw Patty back at Sins Invalid!We know that you are excited by the film and we are hopeful that this change in timeline hasn’t alarmed anyone too much.  In the past few weeks we’ve worked to create a final cut with our editor and the film looks AWESOME!As always, please feel free to share your thoughts – and we offer you many thanks for your patience, support and encouragement.In unity,Leroy Moore and Patty Berne